"Instagram Magic Screenshots Classics Interpretations"
By Chandramukhi
##Straight Forward Reality merged with interpretation
##Clear Cut Way Out in a Ridiculous Thought or Mockery to crack the hurdle of Ins and Outs of getting married
##Giasuddin Shuvo এর Timeline Post with unique angle of thought and Interpretation
সুপ্রীতি বর্মন
অফিসে বসে জামাই ফেসবুকে লিখলো মন চায় পাখি হয়ে উড়ে যাই ঐ নীল গগনে!!!!!
সাথে সাথেই বৌয়ের কমেন্ট খানি যখন পড়বে পা পৃথিবীর বুকে মাছ আর শুটকি নিয়ে এসো নিজ ভবনে!!!!!!!
##Practical life enforces you to lead a life without any refreshing moment of inhale and exhale.....
##Rather than salvation here is stereotyped state of mind to cage your free spirit not to break the protocol but to carry on with the fixed ingredients of life circle.....
##Imaginary Life adores you to lead a smooth life with so much love like a smoke as after effect of burning the obstacles to set you free above all boundaries.....
##It gives you the comfort zone where you can reside without any obligation only for yourself that is the priority above everything.....
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